About Us

Hi, I am the editor of BabyBloggerTips.com and mother of two daughters and I love to share product research and experience that I had to save others time in getting the right product based on their need and budget.

In this particular blog, I am going to share about my journey in acquiring an audio and video baby monitor for my lovely princess. You will be able to find factors that I used in selecting and ranking them, product features versus their practical uses, customer opinion, unique features of a particular model and overall recommendations. There are not be many products listed as I only share the quality models that I would have gotten for myself.

This website does contain some advertisements for few baby monitors that are being sold by Amazon, a trusted retailer. BabyBloggerTips.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.